Friday, December 31, 2010
film tattoos
The best of the WORST tattoos in Seattle! This weeks' winners…
Twilight Tattoo Edward Cullen
Jun 9 2008Eye Candy/Poison: Wicked Gaming Tattoos. MORE: art, awesome, damn,
Tattooing onboard Cruiser Olympia
Tiki Tattoo En Deli Tattoo Resimleri
I like this film, and just like "A" I like the music played in
Tattoos in the movies have a storied history, from the simple,
Bollywood-style Glitter Tattoos!
Photography, film, tattoos, music, comics, reading, spending time with
Yes, that's a tattoo. See it among the crowded canvas o' tattoos on this
Art (Paints, Ceramics, Glass, Photography and Film) Tattoos,
The 'tattoos' are part of his character for his up-coming film,
An 18-year-old Belgian girl is suing a Romanian tattoo artist over the 56
TATTOO OF CITY Professional tattoo post: oct 6, film tattoo Nc reviews ink
The article also discusses the upcoming film Tattoo Odyssey, which will air
awesome tattoos (and is kind enough to let me share them with you!):
Apr 4 2008Printer Tattoos Provide Instant Street Cred
Hollywood securing the jobs that he wants because of his myriad tattoos.
London Evening Standard: Angelina's film tattoos inspired by stirring words
I've been trying for a few years now to sell a documentary film on Chris and